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adapt to new situations中文是什么意思

用"adapt to new situations"造句"adapt to new situations"怎么读"adapt to new situations" in a sentence


  • 适应新形势


  • Learning helps us more easily and readily adapt to new situations
  • Adapt to new situation and improve whole level of office affairs continually
  • Unlike most of his race , gundross is a master of adapting to new situations
  • College students counsellors have to change their old view to adapt to new situations and establish working approaches to accomplish their task
  • Apec should act proactively to adapt to new situations , take on new challenges , conduct necessary reform and readjustments to itself and strive to make its activities more timely and relevant
  • Basing on the situation of our country , how to set up or consummate a series of scientific and sound tobacco monopolization system to adapt to new situation
  • To adapt to new situation and promote the economy , many districts accelerate their paces in the construction of basic traffic facility ; difficult tasks and the lack of fund are the problems in front of the traffic administration
  • So it is a problem worth pondering how to adapt to new situation , strengthen the audit of administrative departments , accelerate the standardization of the action of finance as well as income and expenses of administrative departments effectively
  • Approaching to reality , approaching to life and approaching to the masses are three important guarantees to adapt to new situations , and accomplish new tasks , and they ' re also essential ways to enhance focalization , substantial result , attraction and influence
  • To aim at international and internal environment ’ s innovation and economic transformation , in this paper the author will come up with his opinions about how to form swepdi ’ s market development strategy that can adapt to new situation at present and how to guarantee to carry out the target
用"adapt to new situations"造句  
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